Thursday, March 27, 2008

Five Years in Iraq: Is it something to be proud of ?

Five years have passed since the invasion of the US Army to Iraq. There are groups of politicians who take these five years as success; while other thinks it was nothing but a waste of taxpayer’s money. And this argument has been going on without any conclusion. Yesterday, I read an article in, which said that today not only we passed five years milestone, nevertheless we lost 4000 lives of US military unfortunately. Among them more than 3000 life were gone in the post war era. On March 24, 2008, President Bush said that we are lurking towards peace in Iraq. According The New York Times, president believes that the US army sacrifice in Iraq has not gone in vain. Therefore, the question remains do we really use these lives and money for a good purpose?

Since the tragedy of September 11, the country had gone through a shock and now it is slowly healing. We all know that it is never going to be the same. However, the US government along with the country people became emotional and decided to fight against terrorist organization like Al-Qaeda. No matter how much government say, it is very hard to admit that we are fully successful over them. Even after seven years, Osama Bin Laden is on the run and still haunting us with all kinds of threats. The US government thought that by overwhelming Iraq could made much more easier to get control on the Al-Qaeda, but many people doubt that today, it has really happened. The US army went out and fought against Saddham Hussein regime thinking that they possessed weapons of mass destruction that turn out to be wrong. During this period hundreds of thousands innocent civilian got killed. So, my question is who should take responsibility for those killings? Now Iraq is on the verge of getting into civil war because of the growing conflicts on Shea and Sunni Muslims. Because of that risk, the US cannot even take out its army from Iraq. As described in The New York Times, even though, President Bush promised that he would reduce the number of troops in future, it remains same in 2008.The government cannot keep the US armies over there for longer period because of increasing protest back in the US. Therefore, no matter how much the current US government feels proud of, I believe, invasion in Iraq five years ago proved to be a failure. However, I do believe that the US must fight against the terrorism methodically not emotionally.


goverment said...

After reading my friends blogs I found that I definitely agree with my friend, Sarmila Bhatta . She wrote about five years in Iraq. she argued whether war with Iraq is something to be proud of? Or is it worth it? Did we had another option to choose?
As our brave men and women in uniform find themselves embroiled again in a conflict in the Middle East, debate surrounding the timeliness and necessity of this second Gulf conflict has ceased in most professional circles. However, before the current conflict began, controversy raged over when and how to best prosecute this situation. Many argued that the United States should have worked through the United Nations to pursue a resolution that had the consensus of the world behind it. That endeavor, however, was doomed to failure from the start. The United States sought to solve this dilemma using military force. France and Germany desired to diffuse it using anything but force. In order to properly evaluate all options in this case, one must ask themselves how immediate a threat did Saddam Hussein pose to the United States and what is the best way to counter that threat? In my estimation, Saddam Hussein poses no immediate threat to the United States.
As my friend said “invasion in Iraq five years ago proved to be a failure”. Because what does the United States have to gain from a war with Iraq? The United States is in a tough situation. This country has gone to war without the UN’s approval, and now has more casualties than when the war officially ended. Now, the war could cost taxpayers $87 billion dollars, and more if the war drags on. The situation is at the critical point. If the Bush Administration does not leave Iraq, we will lose thousands of troops, spend billions sending more troops to Iraq, and we will lose the faith of the international community.

government said...

I agreed with some reasons but not all of them. According to your idea: you are saying that now Iraq is on the verge of getting into a civil war because of the growing the conflicts on Shea and Sunni and because of that risk, the us can not even take out its army from Iraq. I do not believe on that, because Shea and Sunni Muslims were issue since Saddham Hussein was president. The only obvious reason is the IOL. That is making President Bush so excited of doing war at Iraq and Afghanistan and Iran next. Wasting taxpayer money includes killing all those people. I do have command question with you WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THIS KILLE D PEOPLE?