Wednesday, December 2, 2009


There is a huge problem with insurance companies in the United States. They do not want to insure sick people. Why there is an injustice in coverage between healthy and unhealthy people? Why all Americans do not have access to health coverage? Why insurance companies make policies that are not understandable to general public? Why their policies are so rigid? Why every general public are not literate on health care system? I thought that I am literate with health care system of the USA because I work in the American health care related field, but it is turned out to be false. Now, I realized that I was not literate on complicated insurance systems and their vague policies. Are insurance companies only made for making money or they are also working for poor general public like me? Now, I understand that the mission of our health care system is not for the treatment of sick and indigent people, but it is all for the healthy and rich people. Thus, we all need to understand that all poor and sick people should die and only healthy and rich people should live in this world.

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