Wednesday, May 7, 2008

“Here Comes the trouble makers, again”

Comments on ideas of my friend posted in Capital Politics Since 1776.

I do agree with the fact that there should be a proper regulation in controlling environmental pollution, not only in the coal mine industry, also in all industries that emits harmful gases. Yes, today several industrial countries are trying to find the ways to reduce the production of excessive harmful gases, like Carbon dioxide Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen related gases, and so on. Controlling the emission of carbon dioxide from coal is just one of the thousands problem that every developed countries are facing today. Before it gets too late each country has to come up with proper rules and regulation, which can save environment in future. Today, we have seen developed countries like the US, Germany, UK being criticized for not showing enough concern to save the environment. Growing automobiles and industries all over the country have assisted in polluting air and eventually damaging OZONE layer, which is very vital for the existence of living beings. Today’s global warming is, of course, the consequence of such growing pollution. The US has been criticized even more after the country’s refusal to ratify the Kyoto Treaty, the convention that was held in 1997 to control the climate change.